Testimonianze (in Inglese)
Commenti sull'impatto del lavoro, della vita o del ministero del Dr. Paul Daniel Larson. Feedback o materiale di testimonianza su questo sito sono forniti così come sono stati forniti o in forma modificata (alcune parti sono state tralasciate) e non viene fatta alcuna affermazione o smentita riguardo alla validità di tutte le dichiarazioni contenute in tale materiale.
Testimonianze della Conferenza Fede Credibile per un Mondo Scettico
Testimonianze della Conferenza Il Vangelo sotto Processo e sul Palco
Testimonianze del Ministero
Testimonianze di Presentazioni delle Scritture
Testimonianze della conferenza Fede Credibile per un mondo scettico"
We invited Dr. Paul Larson to our church for a one day Apologetics Conference. He gave three talks: “Why Objections to the Traditional Authorship of the Gospels Fail” and “The Resurrection in a Secular Age” and “How can a good God allow so much pain, suffering, and evil? And why a God who wants to save sinners must permit horrendous evils?” Each talk was thoroughly researched and presented. It was a full day for our congregation and Dr. Larson as well. We sincerely appreciate his willingness and flexibility to work within our schedule. Our goal was to help our church understand objections to God’s word and His goodness, and then provide clear and concise arguments to defend the God of the Bible. We believe Dr. Larson greatly helped in achieving this goal.
From a logistic perspective, Dr. Larson was extremely helpful in determining which talks would be helpful for our context. He answered all our questions and was flexible with our planning the event. We felt Dr. Larson was timely with correspondence and provided us an accurate assessment of the ministry. In other words, there were no surprises or frustrations in our communication or during the event. Dr. Larson was punctual, friendly and prepared. We would have liked to have had more time to hear several other talks or presentations, but we are thankful for the three we had.
We heartily recommend Credible Faith Ministry and Dr. Paul Larson.
James Proctor
Teaching Pastor
Calvary Baptist Church
3030 E. 10th St.
Anderson, IN 46012
September 14, 2016
Regarding the conference: I have really enjoyed the talks so far. I feel the material has been presented extremely well. The bullet points were helpful including the paper given in the first and third talk. I wished I could have gotten one for the second talk.
Regarding the first talk, 'Why Objections to the Traditional Authorship of the Gospels Fails': I feel I was very blessed with the talk. I am going to start a small group and focus on the gospel of Mark. The logical reasoning behind the information was extremely helpful.
Regarding the second talk, 'The Resurrection in a Secular Age': I think you spelled out the gospel extremely well. Again the logical approach really helped and will give me a better way to explain it to others.
Regarding the third talk, 'How can a good God allow so much pain, suffering, and evil? And why a God who wants to save sinners must permit horrendous evils': I have always wondered why Jesus Christ had to rise from the dead. After this talk it was all cleared up for me and it was so awesome how you opened it up to me and made it all make sense.
— Jacob
September 11, 2016
Regarding the conference: It educated and inspired us. It also gave us tools to use when speaking to others.
Regarding the first talk, 'Why Objections to the Traditional Authorship of the Gospels Fails': It was good and deep. My suggestion: a "definitions" page for some of the more esoteric words. Also: a list of authors and their books.
Regarding the second talk, 'The Resurrection in a Secular Age': I learned a lot!
Regarding the third talk, 'How can a good God allow so much pain, suffering, and evil? And why a God who wants to save sinners must permit horrendous evils': [No feedback given on form]
— Feedback of Joan
September 11, 2016
Regarding the conference: Thoroughly enjoyed every session!
Regarding the first talk, 'Why Objections to the Traditional Authorship of the Gospels Fails': Fantastic presentation; a great refutation of secular intellectualism (error). Appreciated the historical and logical arguments put forth and the practical way I can respond.
Regarding the second talk, 'The Resurrection in a Secular Age': Clear distinction between the end-product of secularism and resurrection. Encouraged and fortified my faith, loved the focus on the Gospel as well.
Regarding the third talk, 'How can a good God allow so much pain, suffering, and evil? And why a God who wants to save sinners must permit horrendous evils': Wonderful Biblical and logical response to criticism of God's purpose and redemption of sinful man by exposing who/what we were and are pre/post salvation
— Scott
September 11, 2016
Testimonianze della Conferenza Il Vangelo sotto Processo e sul Palco"
7 June 2016
Fellow believers in Christ,
We were blessed this past April to have Dr. Paul Larson with us at our church, Jacob's Well. His presentation of the Gospel of Mark from memory in a dramatic performance was awesome, both inspiring and captivating! And his multiple presentations on why our Christian faith makes sense (presentations in the arena of Christian apologetics) brought a renewed sense of the solid foundations for our Christian faith. I highly recommend that you consider having Paul at your church as a great way to encourage your people, build their faith, and make the Word come alive. Paul is one who loves our Lord wholeheartedly and a servant-leader who rejoices in opportunities to minister to people in word and deed.
Paul's presentations in the academic setting of my classes at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary were likewise well received and professionally presented. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Paul Larson and his ministry to you and your church or school setting. If you have need of further information, feel free to contact me.
Bill Warren, PhD
Pastor, Jacob's Well Baptist Church
Director of the Center for New Testament Textual Studies
Landrum P. Leavell, II, Professor of New Testament and Greek
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Q: What did you think of the school of apologetics?
Response: Wow! 40 hrs of great information in 3 hours. I loved hearing so many objections to a variety of aspects of the ressurrection and the gospels. It was very well organized and followed a logical order. The PPT was helpful - especially because of the speed with which the information was presented.
Feedback for Gospel of Mark Presentation: It was WONDERFUL!! Hearing it in its entirety - live, if you will - helped me to see the flow and continuity of it. I also saw things which I hadn't before because of the compactness of the information (such as the parallel between **hn and Jesus' death in that the ruling authorities did not want to order their deaths).
Q: What did you find was the most valuable part of what you heard in the school of apologetics?
Response: -That there is someone who can intelligently refuted big name skeptics. There is hope - it can be done, with enough intelligence and study.
-Following logical thinking through to show fallacies in errant logic/thinking. This served as a refresher in logical thinking, which I very much needed.
-The very practical bottom line - that belief is an operation of faith - and your humility and candidness about your own sinfulness - was just the counterbalance this otherwise highly cerebral presenta[tion] needed.
April 2016
Your presentation yesterday was incredibly scholarly, but your presentation today was far more geared to the typical church member. In any case, I enjoyed both! *od bless you and your ministry!
As I told you if you were to do the presentation again I would attend.
Feedback of John
April 17, 2016
Mindblowing is the only way to put it.
April 17, 2016
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to write a letter introducing you to Paul Larson. I have been the Senior Pastor for 29 years at Aldan Union Church near Philadelphia, PA. At Aldan, we believe in the inerrancy of scripture and have a conservative theology in regard to the Trinity, sin, man's depravity and need of regeneration, and the efficacy of the atoning, substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. We believe in salvation by faith and faith alone in the finished work of Christ.
We did something that we rarely do when we invited Paul to spend a Sunday with us. We invited him, despite the fact that none of us knew him, had never seem him in ministry, and didn't really even know anyone who had seen him. But there was something compelling about his ministry, his candor, and his obvious intelligence that we looked further into the possibility of having him with us. We checked references. They were glowing. We made assessments, based on places where he had spoken or had a connection. Since parts of his studies were at my alma mater, Trinity International University, we relied on that to help us make a decision to have Paul join with us. He spent Sunday, August 21, 2011, with us - teaching two electives in our Sunday School and then during the afternoon and evening, doing a dramatic recitation of the Gospel of Luke in its entirety.
We appreciated several things about Paul, even before he got here. He gave every evidence of being very teachable. He wanted to polish off some of his presentations, sharpen his ability to present the talks he did, and gain experience in giving a Gospel of Luke presentation. His intent was so sincere that he stated upfront that he wasn't looking for any remuneration, just the opportunity to minister and hone his presentations. He was very interested in subjecting his ministry to critique. He was not threatened by criticism but welcomed it.
We appreciated several things about him while he was here. My wife and I got to know Paul and his mother over a meal and several other opportunities. We found him to be very respectful and loving toward his mother, socially at ease with us and our people, engaging personality wise, and not at all so intellectual that he could not communicate truth to those who obviously lacked the learning that he has absorbed. We appreciated his talks about the Resurrection of Christ and Pain and Suffering . Our people profited from them. They were compatible with our teachings and beliefs. They were well thought out, documented, and presented. His presentation of the entire gospel of Luke, reciting it by memory in a dramatic fashion, was enjoyed by many of our people. It takes a while to have this happen. We started him around 4:00 on a Sunday afternoon - went for around two hours or more, broke for a meal, picked up again after dinner for at least another hour, and were quite blessed by it. Not only was it impressive to see the memorization ability of Paul, it was even better to have the entire gospel at one sitting to put things in the context of an entire book. This was the first time Paul recited all or almost all of Luke in this way.
Periodically, he would stop, look down to get his bearings, and then proceed without missing a step. Since Luke is the longest book in the New Testament, we weren't concerned that he prompted himself a number of times. I'm sure that when he has more recitations under his belt, even that would improve with time.
We appreciated several things about him after he left. Despite his requesting no remuneration we sent him a small amount of money as a thank you and to cover some of his traveling expenses. As his mother volunteered to come with Paul, and since Paul was consequently relieved of much of the cost of travel, he felt it right to reimburse his parent(s) for much of the travel cost incurred, even though he was under no obligation to do so. He gave 85% of the money to his parents and tithed and donated the other 15% to Voice of the Martyrs. He did not keep a dime of what was given him, and gave what did not go to his parents to a great cause in the Lord's service.
Why am I writing all of this? I write in case you would like to have a reference from a satisfied customer.
I would be glad for you to contact me if you would like to check out anything with me about our experience with Paul. I think you may be able to surmise that it was very positive.
In Christ's love
Paul W. Thompson, DMin
Pastor, Aldan Union Church, Aldan, PA
Testimonianze del Ministero
Greetings Paul,
I would like to thank you for taking time out to share some of the vast knowledge you have with us. I loved the presentations and enjoyed the dialogue. Everyone I spoke with loved the presentations and one person even said they are going to focus their dissertation on the material you presented. .... For the ones who meditate on these issues and the educated skeptic the presentation and material was perfect. The only note I would make would be to slow down for major points. I will definitely love to invite you back in the future and am excited for the future of your ministry.
Many blessings,
— Ryan
Dear Paul,
We were incredibly blessed by your talk yesterday, this morning I am listening to it now! :) What a privilege!!! I am thankful to know you dear brother :) God is using you in amazing ways!!! All glory to Him!!! ...
Much Brotherly Love,
— Trent
Hi Paul -
thanks again for stepping up and presenting last Saturday at Bradley. It was obvious you gave careful thought in crafting your arguments, seeking to be concise and compelling. I found the outline really helpful. I'm somewhat familiar with some of the common presentations in behalf of the resurrection that are out there - I think you were original in how you "packaged" some key evidences in support of the gospel accounts. Good job! ...
— Bob
Hello, Dr. Paul!
I'm not sure you will remember me but I am David .... I attended the Ratio Christi event last Saturday at Bradley. ... I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your thorough research. It was really excellent! Unfortunately, I will not be there this week because we are having my son's fourth birthday party during that time but I definitely plan on being there on the 26th. I am also interested in the possibility of bringing you to our church to speak. There is a real and true need for this type of ministry! If you would like to talk about this before the 26th let me know. If not, then I will see you then! Thank you!
— David
Mind Blown!
— Meagan
This is Quinn from .... It was a great pleasure and fantastic opportunity to meet and talk with you tonight. I cannot get rid of this feeling that it was God that has sent you to speak to me. It was such a great question solving time for me. ... I was honor to meet you and I hope to keep in contact with you in the future!
— Quinn
You are clearly called to what you do.
— Eric
Thank you SO MUCH for speaking to our FCA group this morning! You were fantastic! You're a great example of the fact that Christians who believe in the Bible and what it teaches aren't dumb, naïve, or blindly following something without reason to do so. It's something they really need to know and understand before they go out into the 'real world'.
I so appreciate your willingness to come and give of your time. I believe it was time well-invested. As always, it was wonderful to see you. And I hope to see you around more- maybe at the soccer field :) Thanks, again, and I'm praying God's blessing over you and your ministry.
— Mme J :)
sorry on the delay of this response. It was a great morning at Morton last week. You did a great job with questions that teens (and our culture as a whole) need answers on. So many are hungry for the truth, and are tired of dead-end answers. Keep “preaching it” brother.
— Scott
"I told [my boyfriend] that you'd answered my questions on issues in Christianity really well last year and convinced me ☺
— Sonia
To whom it may concern,
My name is Tim Brunk and I am an associate for a large investment company in Cincinnati, Ohio. For the last several years, I've had the privilege of working for a very wealthy follower of Christ who stepped down from running a Fortune 500 company to pursue a specific passion God placed on his heart. I've been interested in finance and business for as long as I can remember but I always wondered if such a career could honor the Lord. I greatly feared the trappings of a life devoted to expanding wealth and maximizing cash flows. The last thing I wanted was to be another corporate tycoon who dies with everything on this earth and nothing beyond it. Fortunately, the Lord heard my concerns and led me to my current firm where I learned how to view wealth and resources as a tool for ministry.
I've known Paul since 8th grade when I moved to central Illinois and joined the local travel soccer team. Paul, though he would never admit it, was a brilliant soccer player. He could mesmerize opponents and his teammates with incredible foot skills and on-field intelligence. His brilliance wasn't confined to field however; he was also one of the top academic minds in the city and a world-class pianist. My wife still tells the story of watching him play an hour of extremely difficult music using only one post-it note. He exemplified the pursuit of excellence and his greatness drew people in. But, it was never about Paul.
I still remember our last soccer game though not in the way one might expect. I don't remember how I played or who scored; I don't even remember who won. What I remember is after the game had ended, Paul asked the whole team to stick around for a few minutes and then proceeded to share the message of salvation. I was stunned. I grew up in church, handed out tracts and ministered to the homeless. But I never saw anyone so unabashedly share the gospel with a whole group of peers. He saw his role on the team as God did - to use his talents as a platform for ministry.
Paul and I stayed close and as I watched him pursue advanced studies and excel in business, I stayed amazed at his drive towards one goal: spreading the hope of Christ. Whatever he pursued, he was very clear about his purpose. I strongly believe this devotion to a cause so different than most, was instrumental in my desire to live a life of meaning. I couldn't quantify the impact Paul's life has already had, but I know that the trajectory of my life is dramatically different because our friendship.
Paul continues to pursue excellence and has created a strategic ministry through his remarkable understanding and memorization of scripture. If you ever have the opportunity to invite Paul into your church, school or home, I would highly recommend doing so. I am certain, like me, you will find yourself challenged, inspired and blessed.
— Tim Brunk 3/14/11
March 14, 2011
To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Laurel Brunk and I currently teach high school English in a socio-economically diverse area of Cincinnati, Ohio. I studied English and writing at small Christian university in the Midwest, Indiana Wesleyan University. After studying English, I decided to continue my education and earn my teaching degree so that I would have a practical outlet for my knowledge and be able to use it to influence the lives of others and show them Christ's love. Now I have been teaching for three years and God has been moving in my life and slowly providing more and more opportunities to not only teach but also to write for a company whose passion is to transform the media opportunities available for families. While teaching has been a simultaneously exciting and challenging career, I constantly seek to stay sensitive to the Lord's presence and guidance in my life - and am excited to see how He moves and leads.
As a child, I grew up in a mid-sized church in Illinois, and it was there I met Paul Larson. I don't remember how old I was when I met him, he was simply a staple of the church community into which I'd been born. As an elementary student, I viewed him as a nice boy from a nice family. But in junior high and high school, I began to realize Paul was much more than that, and he began to stand out from the other young men at church. As I am reminded daily as a high school teacher and as I recall from some of my own personal difficulties during that time of life, being a young person in today's culture is one of the most tumultuous times of life. It's hard to know who you are and what you stand for. Yet Paul never seemed to have that struggle. Honest, hard-working, smart, poised, and, most of all, passionate about his faith: he had the qualities for which many around him were merely striving. And he possessed a fearlessness about who he was in Christ. Every single member of the youth group - male and female - respected him greatly. I literally never heard one bad word spoken about Paul. He was the same young man of integrity inside the church as he was outside of it; from our perspective, there was nothing bad to say.
As I have grown older, my respect for Paul has only continued to grow. At different times, he has made genuine inquiries about how to pray for me, and then, I don't doubt, followed up those inquiries by lifting me up in prayer. Paul is a man of faith who is willing to leave his family, his home, and other worldly comforts to pursue the Lord's work and follow a unique path. Paul is a brilliant musician and great thinker who can condense pages of musical notes into one shorthand notation that fits on a post-it note and sticks on the front of the piano. Paul is a detailed analyst who knows that a life of ministry takes sacrifice and support and has therefore accounted for his time and resources more specifically and accurately than anyone I have encountered.
Though both Paul and I have moved away from our small Illinois community, we have stayed in contact and my husband and I consider him a close friend. Paul's devotion for the Lord is tangible and his love for Christ evident in both word and deed. I am confident that Paul's ministry, and specifically his memorization of scripture, is one that that [sic] God has ordained for him and that Paul is pursuing wholeheartedly as a result of much prayer. I highly recommend that you invite Paul to your church, school, even your home, if you have the opportunity. By inviting Paul, you will be inviting someone who cares about one thing: spreading the love of Christ.
— Laurel B. Brunk
Testimonianze di Presentazioni delle Scritture
2010 Atti degli Apostoli
Engaging and personable, Paul Larson brings out the humor, fear, anxiety, and joy of the stories of Acts in a way that lets one step into the ancient world while at the same time sensing its relevance for today. … While the presentation is long, the time went by quickly and I scarcely noticed it had been three hours. By the end, I found myself thinking about what friends I would like to invite along next time.
— Julia
Refreshing … to be able to sit down and hear an entire book in one sitting. I liked the interchange, in expression, between moments of humor, moments of sadness, change in speed … kept the momentum of even a long book going. It wasn’t difficult to listen to.
— Anne
On the whole, the presentation was quite good. I was impressed by Paul’s stamina throughout and his thoughtful integration of gestures, voices, and simple props. Hearing “Acts” out loud really makes the text come to life. … Paul’s presence, expertise, and passion come across brilliantly in his dramatic presentation of the Acts of the Apostles. More importantly, however, the text comes alive in refreshing new ways as audiences experience it as aloud, as it was intended to be heard.
— Seth
More than an impressive feat of memory, this presentation brought the book of Acts into dramatic life – inspirational. I liked hearing the book in one continuous story instead of in bits (as usual!) – excellent. … it will be an inspiration.
— Jenny
Really cool and engaging. … I know it sounds like a really boring idea, but it is quite a riveting way to go through a book. I would very much like my campus ministry to sponsor a presentation like this.
— Feedback of Josh
Absolutely brilliant. A fantastic and original way of conveying scripture. At the risk of sounding clichéd, it portrayed scripture in a way I have never seen before. I liked the balance of acting and narration – very well executed. It was long, but it sort of had to be. It is a brilliant way of getting people to view scripture in a new light. Highly recommended.
— James
Amazing. Totally inspired and challenged.
— Rachael
Very impressive & it’s a powerful way to present the scripture. Amazing! Hope more churches will know about your ministry. Very skillful acting & dramatizing of scripture. … The Church will be blessed by your ministry.
— Natalie
Paul’s presentation is an effective evangelistic tool. Relevant to believers and accessible to those with no exposure to the Bible.
— Cally
Really well done, hugely encouraging to see someone know all of Acts. Inspirational, as it is uncommon to get thru entire book in one sitting but is how it is meant to be approached. Liked the joyful acting and the forgetting/checking of some points as it’s very encouraging that we can make mistakes. It’s excellent so get this dude to do the presentation at your church/campus! Highly enjoyable and an unforgettable experience.
— Hugh
…A great, non-threatening way to spread the good news.
— Kieran
2010 Il Vangelo di Marco
I have already attended but for those who have not it is a must see. You will really be amazed at this gift our LORD has given Paul. Thank you Paul.
— Cecilia
Hey Paul,
I had the chance to sit in on part of the first half of Mark's gospel in the chapel tonight. It blessed me immensely. My heart was stirred. I wanted to stay for the whole thing, but this assignment due tomorrow is looming over me, so I had to make my way to the library. Thanks for all the effort and hard work you put into that. It inspires me toward exercising my mind further in the memorization of Scripture.
— Bing
Loved it! I would absolutely invite as many friends as I could to it, and it would be a great transition into spiritual conversations. I loved getting to watch scripture take on a much more tangible reality. It is easy to forget that the gospels actually happened, and this solidified it as an actual occurrence well! It brought great human characteristics to God’s word! I thought it was great! It was refreshing and extremely encouraging!
— Feedback of Sean
I was very entertained...you are an amazing actor/speaker. Great job.
— Freshman, University of Illinois
The gospel stands alone, but it’s hard for people to actually go read it – especially on campus where students feel they read all the time. The oral presentation gives it a personal, live feel especially in the way you present it. I liked your emotion and true feeling you put into it. I also like the eye contact -- it can put people on the spot, but sometimes that’s what they need. Christ truly speaks through the presentation...it was so good, so deep.
— Tayler
2009 Il Vangelo di Giovanni
— Darlene
Hey Paul,
I think I should say it in person but just find hard to see you around so...you did GREAT last night! I'm deeply moved and inspired! John is my favorite Gospel and I'm glad I could go through the whole book by seeing your performance! Thank you a lot for the hard work!
— Feedback of Jeanne
Susan and I really enjoyed your dramatic portrayal of the Book of John. It was compelling and moving. I felt the blend of music to the presentation added an extra dimension and reinforced the story line. It was an evening we will not soon forget. The work and effort you have put into this is certainly evident. BTW, I like your interpretation much better than the guy on TV. God is doing a great thing through you.
— Ken
I had the pleasure of experiencing Paul Larson’s presentation of the Gospel of John this past September. I confess to having some reservations before seeing the presentation, reservations concerning the length of the presentation as well as my ability to remain interested for the duration of the presentation. But those concerns were unfounded. Paul’s presentation was riveting. First of all, I know the Bible quite well, and it is absolutely amazing that he can memorize such large volumes of material. Secondly, his dynamic, heartfelt, and sensitive presentation rendered it impossible to not be captivated by the story—which was also a reflection of Paul’s character and heart. I did not notice any drooping eyes among the others in the audience, but I also confess that I was so fascinated by the presentation that I spent little time looking around the room for the response of others. I would highly recommend his presentation of the Gospel of John, and in fact, would enjoy seeing his presentation of the Gospel of Mark.
— Susan
Lettere dalla Prigione: Colossesi, Filemone e Filippini
Before going to Paul Larson’s dramatic Scripture presentation, “Letters from Prison”, I had never even heard of the idea. I went to support a fellow seminarian and also to see what it was like. When it was over, my first thought was that I had wished I had brought a non-believer with me. The Scripture had come alive with such power that I felt that no one could walk away without sensing God in it. Paul’s passion for the word of God was just as evident as his acting skills, and I believe that it was the combination of both that made the presentation so effective. I believe that Paul’s ministry in this way can not only encourage believers but be used effectively as a means of sharing the Gospel with non-believers.
— Michael
Paul Larson's recent performance of Paul's Prison Epistles at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School was excellent. Not only was his recitation of the epistles something that numerous students mentioned was refreshing and inspirational but his dramatic depiction of these epistles in the situation of epistle-writing was creative and gave a sort of entry into the biblical world like I have not experienced before. Paul's obvious passion for the Scriptures was matched by his professionalism and poise with which he executed his dramatization.
Our student organization was happy to host his performance and were equally satisfied with the result.
Furthermore, I would recommend Paul Larson's performance to organizations that desire a refreshing and engaging depiction of Scripture for an audience ready to interact with the power of God's Word proclaimed.
— Robert
I was impressed by Paul Larson’s live performance…He brought these letters to life in a way that was both authentic and engaging. I look forward to future performances and deeply suspect that God is going to do great things through Paul.
— Michelle
The word of God came alive to me, literally as he plays the role of Paul in the process of writing these letters. It gave ma a perspective outside of my own...a glimpse of God's intent! Beautiful!!
— Jenny
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